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JMF 4th Qtr ~ 2023 Accomplishments

Season’s Greetings Jimmy Mac Foundation (JMF) family and friends! As we come to the end of another awesome year, we celebrate our 2023 accomplishments!  

2023 JMF Impact Statement

Surpassing the 2023 fundraising goal by 26%, we awarded 15 high school seniors and other deserving students a total of $34K in “Making A Difference” Scholarships and educational assistance. One of our recipients was living in a youth homeless shelter and we are overjoyed to share that he is the first resident of the shelter to be accepted to a prestigious institution and the #1 liberal arts college in the state of Georgia! These young people are more than just awardees because they become a part of the JMF family and keeping us apprised of their achievements well beyond their years matriculating. 


Though not a program of the JMF, I am proud to report the establishment of the Jimmy Mac Legacy Scholarship Endowment at my alma mater, Virginia State University. Education is a fundamental component of our Foundation, and this endowment further substantiates our dedication to educating youth for generations to come.


Our partnership with Habitat for Humanity continues, co-sponsoring and providing volunteers for 3 local builds, while globally the JMF sponsored the builds of 3 homes in Kenya. 


Committed to helping eliminate food insecurities in local communities and in Africa, we increased our volunteerism and donations to USA based food banks, and we are very excited about the success we are having with the build of greenhouses in Kenya. After visiting the greenhouses in early 2023 and witnessing how these structures are having a nutritional and economic impact on those communities, we sponsored another greenhouse build which will be completed by year end. Additionally, the 6 Kenyan orphans who we sponsor and had the honor of meeting 3 of them last February, continue to be blessings we are proud to support.   


As we look back on the achievements of this year, we thank God for his guidance and the generosity of our JMF supporters. Our 2023 theme, “The Courage to Do More” along with our core principles, Care, Compassion, Mission, and Action, have driven us to stay focused and finish the year strong. Words cannot express my gratitude for our “JMF Angels” who volunteer their time and talent to assist with the administrative needs of the Foundation. That blessing allows us to use almost 100% of all donations strictly to help serve and love on others, excepting only minimal monies for operational supplies/needs. 


Remember, when you partner with the Jimmy Mac Foundation, you touch communities all over the world. I thank God for each of you and for the provisions of our current and future JMF partners. May the holiday season and upcoming year be filled with peace, love, and joy to you and your loved ones. 


To God be the glory! 

JMF Making a difference scholarship fund

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