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Please view the 2-minute JMF 2022 Highlights video

Greetings Jimmy Mac Foundation family and friends! I’m Jimmy McKinney bringing you a praise report highlighting the work we’ve accomplished this year.

  • We achieved our 2022 “Making A Difference” Scholarship fundraising goal, allowing us to bless 13 high school graduates and distribute over $30K in scholarships and educational assistance. We’re also proud of our 2021 scholarship recipients who continue to succeed in their collegiate and community service endeavors.

  • In the area of combating homelessness, we have an ongoing financial partnership with the Atlanta Mission, as well as co-sponsoring and volunteering in the building of 4 Habitat for Humanity homes locally, and sponsoring the build of 4 homes in Kenya.

  • The JMF is committed to eliminating food insecurities in our communities and across the globe to end hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition. We’ve increased our donations to local food banks, and we’ve embraced the concept of sustainable food systems by sponsoring the build of one greenhouse in Kenya, hoping to purchase 2 more in the near future.

  • With all of these initiatives, I’ll be visiting Kenya this coming Feb. where we also sponsored 6 orphans. Prayerfully, I’ll get a chance to personally meet 4 of them during my visit.

Our 2022 theme, “Love in Action” and our core principles, Care, Compassion, Mission, and Action, drive us to stay focused and execute a strong finish to this calendar year. Despite these challenging times, we thank God for His constant guidance and the provisions of current and future JMF supporters. Remember, when you partner with the Jimmy Mac Foundation, you touch communities all over the world. We are “Love in Action”, and To GOD be the Glory!

Peace and Blessings!

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